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Huge boost for Whitecaps as they confirm another vital signing

Midfielder Liam Mackenzie has reached a significant milestone in his soccer journey – a significant one indeed.

On Monday, April 8, the Vancouver Whitecaps made public the signing of the 17-year-old soccer prodigy from Comox to a professional contract.

The agreement entails an MLS NEXT Pro professional contract, spanning until the end of the 2026 season.

MLS NEXT Pro serves as the developmental league for the Whitecaps, with Mackenzie set to further his growth by playing for Vancouver Whitecaps FC2.


17-year-old B.C. soccer phenom signs pro contract with Vancouver Whitecaps  - Alberni Valley News


Expressing his excitement, Mackenzie stated in an exclusive interview with Black Press, “It’s an incredible feeling to see the culmination of all my hard work paying off since childhood. This marks the initial step towards my aspirations, and I am immensely happy and grateful.”

Quinn Thompson, the Whitecaps FC senior director of player personnel, remarked, “This signing is one of the younger ones we’ve made in recent years. We had Liam under contract until the end of his U19 year, so there was no immediate rush. Our approach isn’t fixed on signing players of a specific age; rather, it’s about assessing individual players within the club and determining when they are ready for the next stage of their careers. This could happen at 17, 18, or 19. We engage in discussions with the player, their parents, and their agents, taking a holistic approach to determine the right timing for progression.”

Mackenzie has been associated with the Whitecaps since August 2020, joining the Whitecaps FC Pre-Academy. He attends school in Vancouver and spends 10 months of the year away from home.

Reflecting on his journey, Mackenzie shared, “I left home at 13, and since then, I’ve spent 10 out of 12 months away from my family. I owe a lot to my family for their unwavering support. It hasn’t been easy, especially considering my young age at the time, but I persevered. I’m deeply grateful to my parents, friends, and family for their support.”

Regarding his education, Mackenzie highlighted the Whitecaps’ emphasis on academics. “Education holds high importance for the Whitecaps. As I’m still in Grade 11, they monitor my academic performance closely, ensuring I maintain good grades because they understand the correlation between education and on-field performance. I’m managing well, taking numerous online classes due to the travel commitments,” he stated.

Thompson has been closely observing Mackenzie’s progress for almost two years. He remarked, “We’ve been closely monitoring his development, particularly over the last year and a half, as he transitioned into higher levels of competition in the U17 category. Liam was on the bench last year and performed well, so we believe this is the right step for him at this juncture.”

Mackenzie, as an MLS NEXT Pro player, is eligible to be called up to the MLS Whitecaps’ roster up to four times per season, with a limit of two appearances in MLS matches in any given season. He has already made appearances for the Whitecaps FC2 this season.

Thompson emphasized that there isn’t a fixed timeline for Mackenzie to become a starter. “It’s all about his progress. We want him to continue putting in the effort while providing him with opportunities to take the necessary steps towards becoming a consistent starter. Liam’s performance will dictate his journey, whether it takes a while or he starts every game in a few weeks. It’s contingent on how he seizes the opportunities provided,” Thompson explained.

Mackenzie is determined to become a starter for the FC2 squad soon. “That’s my primary goal. Despite being one of the youngest players, I see myself as one of the best and believe I can secure a starting position on this team. I just need to keep working hard and showcase my strengths,” he expressed.

While he didn’t delve into specifics about the contract, Mackenzie humorously mentioned that this isn’t the kind of contract that allows you to “buy your parents a new house.” He joked, “That will have to wait for the next one.”

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